Pardon the dust

Update 9/10/2013 New posts are going up on the blog, but I’m going to keep this post at the top for a while. Consider the site in beta for the moment, and please use the comment section of this post to report any issues. If you’re using IE to try and view the site, I’m sorry. But I’m not that sorry.

Update 9/3/2013 Things should be working reasonably well. A few kinks to work out, and I have to migrate the former site’s comments, but the current site is pretty much ready to go.

This is the new home for my blog, Slender Means. It’s currently in-progress, and I’m still finishing up the design, and fixing weird links and typos from the Wordpress to Pelican migration.

In the meantime, a more usable version sits at the old home:

Thanks for visiting!

