Machine Learning for Hackers Chapter 1, Part 1: Loading data


This is my first Will it Python? post. These posts document my experiences trying to port complete and interesting R projects to Python. I’m beginning by going through the recently published Machine Learning for Hackers (MLFH) by Drew Conway and John Miles White.

More information on the posts is here, and archives are here.


The first chapter of MLFH is a gentle introduction to loading, manipulating and graphing data in R. To keep the tutorial interesting, the authors have found a fun dataset of UFO sightings to work through.

Since this chapter is mainly devoted to loading and manipulating data, a lot of the R functionality they exploit is going to have an analog in Pandas. Even though there’s not too much exciting going on in this chapter, it’s a great way to explore how basic data tasks get done in Python. It turns out there are some interesting differences between how R and Python handle even this simple stuff.

In this first post, I’ll focus on just getting the data into the work environment. The complete code for the chapter is located in a Github repo, here.

Data with inconsistent column lengths: break or compensate?

The raw data is contained in a tab-separated file and the authors use R’s read.delim() function to read it into an R dataframe. The data seem to load smoothly, and there are no errors or warnings. There are no headers in the data, so the authors set the headers argument of read.delim() to FALSE and name the columns of dataframe after it’s loaded.

The same procedure in Python uses the read_table() function in Pandas:

ufo = read_table('data/ufo/ufo_awesome.tsv', sep = '\t',
na_values = '', header = None)

This, though, will raise an exception, complaining that there are the “wrong number of columns.” R loaded the data without complaint, so what’s going on?

It turns out that read_table() is right to complain. Let’s use Python’s basic file IO to read each line of the file, and separate the line into columns by splitting it at tab characters. We’d expect each line to have six columns. As soon as we hit a line that doesn’t, I’ll break the line-reading loop, and print out the line number and the columns it was split into. This will tell us where the first (if any) bad line is in the file, and give a look at what’s wrong with it.

inpath = 'data/ufo/ufo_awesome.tsv'
inf = open(inpath, 'r')

for i, line in enumerate(inf):
    splitline = line.split('\\t')
    if len(splitline) != 6:
        first_bad_line = splitline
        print "First bad row:", i
        for j, col in enumerate(first_bad_line):
            print j, col


This code prints the following output:

First bad row: 754
0 19950704
1 19950706
2 Orlando, FL
4 4-5 min
5 I would like to report three yellow oval lights which passed over
Orlando,Florida on July 4, 1995 at aproximately 21:30 (9:30 pm). These
were the sizeof Venus (which they passed close by). Two of them traveled
one after the otherat exactly the same speed and path heading
south-southeast. The third oneappeared about a minute later following
the same path as the other two. Thewhole sighting lasted about 4-5
minutes. There were 4 other witnesses oldenough to report the sighting.
My 4 year old and 5 year old children were theones who called my
attention to the "moving stars". These objects moved
fasterthan an airplane and did not resemble an aircraft, and were moving
much slowerthan a shooting star. As for them being fireworks, their path
was too regularand coordinated. If anybody else saw this phenomenon,
please contact me at:

So we see that in row 754 of the file, we came across a line with seven columns (six tabs). The sixth column of the data is a “long” description of the UFO sighting, and here it looks like there was a tab character within the long description, creating extraneous columns.

Why didn’t R have a problem with this line? We can see what happened if we look on page 15 of the MLFH. There the authors show rows of the data where the first column–the date of the sigthing–doesn’t match a date format. The first instance of a bad observation in the first column of the R data is, which we just saw is actually the first instance of a spurious seventh column. Apparently, read.delim() is inferring the number of columns from the first few rows, then pushing any extra columns to a new row.

I think I much prefer the Pandas behavior here to R’s. Even though R actually did get the data loaded with no fuss, it ended up mangling it pretty badly. Given the size of the dataset, the rarity of these bad rows, and the authors’ cleaning process, it may not have mattered much at the end of the analysis. But that’s not going to be true in every case – and here, R isn’t even throwing a warning to indicate that something might be fishy with the raw data.

Note though, that if the authors had used read.delim() with a col.names argument, then R would have raised an error when it came across a row with more columns than were indicated by the supplied list of column names.

This is a pretty boring problem, but an important one. To sum up:

Lesson 1: R’s read.delim() without either header = TRUE or a col.names argument is dangerous. If you have to load the data to figure out what the column names should be, try loading it again with the column names you’ve assigned.

Preparing the raw data to load into a data frame.

Now that we’ve discovered irregularities in the raw data that are preventing it from fitting neatly into a data frame, we have to fix them.

There are two options, both involve processing the file line-by-line. First, we can take the data in the columns after the sixth and append them to the end of the data in the sixth column. The sixth column is a long text discription of the event, and the extra columns are likely to be continuations of that description. But, we don’t actually end up caring about the long description in our analysis, so I’ll take a second approach and just delete those extra columns.

The procedure is encapsulated in the function below. It reads lines from the original file, inpath, cleans them, and writes the result to outpath. Note that this function doesn’t actually return anything; it’s just a side-effect on the outpath file.

def ufotab_to_sixcols(inpath, outpath):
Keep only the first 6 columns of data from messy UFO TSV file.

The UFO data set is only supposed to have six columns. But...

The sixth column is a long written description of the UFO sighting, and
sometimes is broken by tab characters which create extra columns.

For these records, we only keep the first six columns. This typically
cuts off some of the long description.

Sometimes a line has less than six columns. These are not written to
the output file (i.e., they're dropped from the data). These records
are usually so comprimised as to be uncleanable anyway.

This function has (is) a side effect on the outpath file, to which it
writes output.

inf = open(inpath, 'r')
outf = open(outpath, 'w')

for line in inf:
splitline = line.split('\t')
# Skip short lines, which are dirty beyond repair, anyway.
if len(splitline) < 6:

newline = ('\t').join(splitline[ :6])
# Records that have been truncated won't end in a newline character
# so add one.
if newline[-1: ] != '\n':
newline += '\n'



This function performs the following steps:

  1. Open the input file for reading and the output file for writing.
  2. Read a line from the original file.
  3. Split the line into columns at the tab characters using the split() method.
  4. If line is split into less than six columns, ignore this line and go read the next one.
  5. Otherwise rejoin the first six columns of the split line back together with tab characters using the join() method. This results in newline.
  6. If there’s not a line break character at the end of newline (which will happen if we’ve cut off the ending column because it was past the sixth column), then add one on.
  7. Write newline to the output file.
  8. Repeat 2-7 with the next line of the input file.

Note that step 4 means that short lines with less than six columns (5 tabs) don’t get written to the cleaned file. I haven’t investigated in depth why some rows are too short and whether there’s a way to fix those rows instead of tossing them out, but it’s unlikely the fix would be simple or reliable.

I run the function to create a cleaned-up tab-separated file called ufo_awesome_6col.tsv. (The path to the input file, inpath, was already defined).

outpath = 'data/ufo/ufo_awesome_6col.tsv'
ufotab_to_sixcols(inpath, outpath)

Trying read_table() again.

Now I’ll try using Pandas and read_table() again to load the file into a data frame. (Since I know what the column names are supposed to be, I’ll just pass them to the function instead of adding them later.)

ufo = read_table('data/ufo/ufo_awesome_6col.tsv', sep = '\\t',
                  na_values = '',  header = None,
                  names = ['date_occurred', 'date_reported',
                           'location', 'short_desc', 'duration',

And this now runs without a hitch. We’ll use the head() and to_string() methods of a Pandas data frame to compare the first six rows of the data to what’s shown in the table on p. 14 of MLFH.

ufo.head(6).to_string(formatters =
                       {'long_desc' : lambda x : x[ :21]})

The dictionary in the formatters argument tells to_string() to only print the first 21 characters in the long description. The result is the following table:

   date_occurred  date_reported              location  short_desc duration                long_desc
0       19951009       19951009         Iowa City, IA         NaN      NaN    Man repts. witnessing
1       19951010       19951011         Milwaukee, WI         NaN    2 min.     Man on Hwy 43 SW of
2       19950101       19950103           Shelton, WA         NaN      NaN     Telephoned Report:CA
3       19950510       19950510          Columbia, MO         NaN    2 min.   Man repts. son&apos;s
4       19950611       19950614           Seattle, WA         NaN      NaN    Anonymous caller rept
5       19951025       19951024  Brunswick County, ND         NaN   30 min.   Sheriff&apos;s office

And this matches the authors’ table on p. 14. So we’re off to a good start. In the next post we’ll clean this data up some more and do some munging to get at the information we’re interested in.
